spirit week

It was homecoming week at Lathrop High School.  If I were still teaching there, I would have a definite opinion of all the hoopla, but since I'm not, it's been pretty fun.  Each day had a dress up theme, and Aileen (that's the name she goes by these days) participated in every one.

Monday was Multiplicity Monday.  She and her friends all wore light blue shirts..... we were seeing double, or triple, or quadruple...

Tuesday was Tie-Dye Tuesday.  I learned this at 5:00 Monday night as we were picking up Jed from school.  So back into town we went for dye and supplies.  I suggested a stylish A to iron onto her shirt and then home we went.  She and Jed rounded up white things, shirts & socks mostly, to dye and set to work on the kitchen floor.  When there were done, and only slightly dyed themselves, Ali realized that the shirts were supposed to sit for 6-8 hours before washing and drying.  It was already 7:30!! So, I suggested she set her alarm to get up at 3:00 am and throw 'em in the wash.  She did, we got 'em dried at 5:00 and she headed to Tie-Dye Tuesday stylishly appareled.  Unfortunately her iron-on A turned kind of red, earning references to The Scarlet Letter and some new teen movie, but she survived.

Wednesday was Walt Disney Wednesday.  The idea was to go as a character from a Walt Disney movie or cartoon.  Originally, Ali Aileen was thinking of going as Ariel from The Little Mermaid, but I pointed out that my limited sewing skills and our lack of forward planning made the whole tale thing a little difficult.  So instead, she was a Disney elephant.  There are so many to choose from, Col. Hathi from The Jungle Book, Dumbo, the elephant from Tarzan or The Lion King.  We downloaded music from several films and I gave her my pocket sized but very loud speaker for her iPod and she got to do the Elephant Walk all over Lathrop (and I still have the song "When I See an Elephant Fly" in my head!)  In fact, when she walked over to my office and waited downstairs for me, she kept the costume on.  I had to fight off admirers to get to her and tell her it was time to go.

Thursday was easy  - purple and gold (Go Malemutes!).  She didn't wear the AWESOME purple stiletto heels we got her last year, but she still looked darn cute.

Friday each class dressed as their Homecoming theme - which were different cartoons.  The sophomores had Scooby Doo.  Originally, we headed to Value Village looking for orange Velma turtlenecks, but as she lamented the fear of other Velma's I came up with a plan.  Scooby Snacks!  We got a box to turn into the actual Scooby Snack costume, but we also got a box of Scooby Snack dog treats.  She emptied out the doggy flavored snacks and filled the box with gummi bears, so that she could fool the folks into thinking she loved to eat Scooby Snacks.  Very clever!

It was great fun to see Ali get excited about dressing up, and that she had the confidence to pull it all off.  I wish I had pictures, but she still has my camera.  She also got two articles published in the school newspaper, The Paystreak.  Check it out at http://lth.k12northstar.org/paystreak

Now, if the Malemutes could win a football game....


Lori L said…
wait, wait.
if you're not teaching at Lathrop, what are you doing?
it's obvious, we need to catch up.
and soon.

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