shout out to the old guy

Today my everlovin' turns 52.  It's his 16th birthday celebration for which I've made his cake.  Yellow cake with chocolate frosting, to be exact.  Despite his recent shenanigans, for which he might well deserve having his birthday taken away, I'm quite fond of this man so here's my shout out to Bob.

My top 10 favorite things about Bob:
10)  He's really smart about things that seem unusual to me.  He knows the highest mountains, the square acreage of deserts, the type of rock that my kids bring home, and the name of the Cartwright's cook on Bonanza.
9)  He makes me birthday cake from scratch every year.  The first time he made it he forgot to put vanilla in the frosting, so he just poured it over the cake.
8)  He's the kindest person I've ever met.
7)  He doesn't compromise his beliefs; Bob is a man of great integrity.
6)  He knows the exact date he first saw his favorite movies, went on dates, or enjoyed a good meal.
5)  He's super fun and makes me laugh.  Sometimes I even laugh with him, not just at him.
4) Even though it makes me grouchy, he gets all neanderthal and possessive when he thinks I've been wronged. (it's kinda cute)
3)  He's really good to my mom.  This past summer he not only killed her slugs, he took the screen door down, washed the slug guts off it, and put it back.
2) Our kids get all creeped out and embarrassed because we hold hands and smooch - even in public.
1) He makes my heart flip flop, even after all these years.


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