
Yesterday I was the world's worst mom. How do I know this? My son told me so, at several different times in several different ways. I made him wash his dishes when he wanted to watch television. I made him take a shower when he wanted to sleep in his dirty clothes. I made him have a hamburger for dinner when he wanted chips and salsa. I'm a bad, bad, mom.

But this morning he woke up and told me he loved me. When I was walking to the car to go to work, he hollered "I love you mama! Have a great day" from the porch and as I backed down the driveway he was out there blowing me kisses, waving and sending me hugs. This morning I was a great mama.

Tonight I barely saw him as I got home late and he was heading to bed. There wasn't much indication of whether I was a great mother or a lousy one, just kisses and "Can I finish reading this page before you turn out the light."

I wonder what kind of mom I'll be tomorrow?


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