
Today was "one of those" days. Frozen drain pipes, trips to dentists, cars not starting, puppy pooping in place puppies shouldn't poop, cold water in the shower - you name it. The upside is that my husband had to spend part of the day at home dealing with the "stuff." So got to snuggle him and take a nap while he worked.

Today I'm wondering what got into me to start this massive organizing project and whether I can bring myself to finish it. I'm repeating to myself that I will pack a box tonight and visit the post office tomorrow. I will pack a box tonight and visit the post office tomorrow.

Today I'm wondering whether anyone ever reads these blogs. Sheila the Great lets me know with a comment or two, and I occasionally get feedback over the phone from my blood relatives. It's almost like the time capsule we put in the dining room wall, where I wrote a letter to the future. I'm sending my words & thoughts out into cyberspace, out into nothingness.


Jessica said…
I'm reading.. I haven't been very diligent but I'm working on it...
Sheila said…
I like my new nickname. =)

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