
One of the best parts of this whole, newfangled, cell phone craze is picking a ringtone. One my first phones, I had a choice of all the cool tonal sounds provided by Motorola and Nokia. But now that I've entered the iPhone phase, I can not only pick my own ringtones, but I turn any song in my library into a ring tone as well. The quest now is to find the perfect song for each of my frequent callers. Here's what I've got so far -

Husband's ringtone is currently the theme from Deliverance. (Cue the banjos & the albino boy, please.) I've considered the intro from Chariots of Fire as well. I had the smooth tones of Queen Latifah's "Poetryman" for awhile, but the kids thought it was cheesy, as was "This Kiss." At times this winter I've considered both "Third Rate Romance" and "Don't Fear the Reaper," but they're probably no-nos....

Daughter 1, the actress and red head has had a few ringtones. Right now she's America's "Sister Golden Hair Delight" but she's been "Strawberry Fields Forever." Since she's in college, I'm waiting for the day I change it to "Money" by Pink Floyd.

Daughter 2, the socialite changes her own ringtone occasionally, and lately was "Fireflies" by Owl City. When I choose her song last she was "Footloose" (and fancy free, no doubt) and before that she was a "Geek in the Pink." She insists not only that a "cool" picture of her show up on my screen when she calls but that she have a "kickin'" song play as well. Being the good step-monster that I am, I always try to humor her.

My mom has her own ringtone as well. I can tell she's calling when I hear Johnny Horton break into "The Battle of New Orleans." I'm not sure why this fits so well for my mother. She wasn't born in 1814, and she's got no special attachment to Louisiana that I know of. Maybe it's just that there's no mistaking that song or who's calling.

My little sister gets Jack Johnson's "The Sharing Song." I told her it was because she's cheery - like Jack Johnson. However we all know that youngest sisters aren't very good at sharing, especially when oldest siblings torment them and make them have leftovers for years. My husband suggested I was "just rubbing it in" but I prefer to think of it as an example of irony and sophisticated humor.

My husband's office gets the theme from Gilligan's Island. The section that plays goes "So this is the tale of the castways /They're here for a long, long time,/They'll have to make the best of things,/ It's an uphill climb." I think it fits a special education office, in both words and subtext, don't you?

My sister in law gets "Yoda" by Wierd Al. Not only is she a Star Wars fan, but Weird Al seems to fit. (That's all I'll say about that.)

My best friend is calling when I hear the peppy 80's tune "Oh Mickey you're so fine/ you're so fine you blow my mind/Hey Mickey (clap clap clap clap)/ Hey Mickey (clap clap clap clap). My children think the song is rather silly and obnoxious - I say that's what having a best friend is all about! For some reason the volume seems super loud whenever this song plays, so we hear it all over the house. One advantage is that when it plays, all my children run to find my phone, bring it to me, and make me turn it off. I don't even have to move!

So there are a few of the special ringtones I've picked out for those near and dear. I wonder if others spend time pondering the perfect song, or if it's just me. I don't think Bob does, or else what would I think when I call his phone and hear "Queen of my Double Wide Trailer." Go figure.


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