pictures from the past

I've been on an organizing streak lately. It started with the box and a half of old family photos from my mom & dad that I ended up with. It has continued with my going through all of the other boxes in storage up in the loft. One result has been pictures - everywhere. I've got about 10 photo boxes for Bob and I, organized by year, and then a box for each of the kids. I've also mailed boxes of pictures to my mom, brother, sister, and cousins.

Probably the funnest pics to send were the ones to my cousins - one on my mom's side, and one on my dad's. The pictures include trips to Alaska by their much younger parents, looking dapper and utterly 1970's. There's also some "boudoir photos" of my two aunts that were kinda creepy to send, only because I sure wouldn't want to see that kind of picture of my own mother. Ewwww.

Some day my own children and grandchildren will look at old pictures of me and my husband and laugh. Seriously, LAUGH. Blue eyeshadow, big feathered hair, but skinny by God....and traveling all over the darn place. Lots of camping, lots of laughing and then lots of time doing those things with the kids.

I hope my kids enjoy looking at these old pictures as much as I did.


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