
It's funny - I blog for myself, for my friends and family.  I guess that's kinda silly when it's there on the world wide web for all to see.  Still, I'm not available on search engines, I don't advertise, and I'm a little ol' lady in Fairbanks, Alaska spewing, by my own admission, "noise."  My following is small and my profile pretty low key.

So it toally cracks me up to see that one of my posts has been copied onto someone's FB page because they've taken offense at my "noise."  The irony of a person who called me a Philistine, an arrogant bully, and a puppet being offended by being called a jerk or a crazy amuses me.

Maybe I'll get some more readers... I'm starting to feel famous! 


Missy said…
Don't ya love when someone searches you out and then is offended by what they find? Crazy indeed. :)

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