
I've been thinking lately about the perils of the Internet. After a conversation about teachers with students as "friends" on Myspace, I googled "teacher facebook fired." It was amazing the news articles I found. Apparently the issue is real. Teachers can lose their jobs for what they post on networking sites, blogs and so forth.

It's an interesting paradox - I feel like teachers - all people in fact - have a right to a personal life and that recreation in the personal realm that doesn't come into the work realm is none of anyone's business. On the other hand, do I want my kids to be "friends" with a teacher who posts pictures of drinking or whose status is "recovering from a wild night."

Maybe it's the cost of freedom, exposure to the sordid facets of's what makes life worth living (exposure to the sordid facets of existence).

Is the concept of privacy gone in our society? Maybe that's the question that I should be asking. If so, do personal acts become suspect?

As always, more questions than answers.


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