Virtual Goddess

So my husband brought home Guitar Hero. The teens are psyched and ready to rock. The 5 year old thinks he's already a rock star. So where does that leave me? My cool factor did go up a little because I know the words to quite a few songs (they're classics, my kids should know them, shouldn't they?). My cool factor went down when I rocked the drums; they giggled.

So now I'm going to resort to practicing, in the middle of the night of course when I'm all alone. I'll master the drums, become the goddess of the wii guitar, and when the time is right I'll dazzle them with my ability to get a groove on.

I'm actually planning a whole new tour. Guitar Hero meets Wii Fit. I'll turn into David St. Hubbins and do step aerobics to the song "Big Bottoms." Maybe over time the bottom will diminish.

Rock on.


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