It's cold outside. Really cold. This morning the car told me it was -38 degrees as we drove to town. It has warmed up now. It's only about -32.

At this temperature, sensible people stay home. It's still outside because nothing should be out there moving around.

I wonder about my son. He ran down to the car this morning and had to be reminded to put on his hat. Is he just naive? Reckless? Or has living in the Goldstream Valley turned him into feral ice cube boy of the north? Will his perspective on temperature forever be changed growing up here? His Georgia-born grandmother laughed earlier this week when he waited until it warmed up to about -8 to go sledding in the driveway.

Other parts of the country shut down at the first sign of snow. People fear for their lives when the temperature goes below freezing.

Still, even for here, it's cold outside.


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