
There's lots of buzz these days about the education system - what is working, what isn't and why. I think most teachers I know care about doing a good job, but, just like everyone else seems to be, are more concerned about the devil (or failing system) they know than the one they don't. This fact, combined with the general public's inclination to believe what's convenient and reinforces existing beliefs makes me damn cynical about the fate of our society. The hope I felt when our nation elected Obama, and when our state ousted convicted felon Ted Stevens, seems to be waning as I realize we're losing the good fight on the home front. If people aren't willing to look at helping all students learn (the ones we actually get in schools - as opposed to the ideal student of years ago, with supportive families who allow us to beat them if they fail to meet expectations) than perhaps we are a indeed a nation of infidels.

I need my faith restored. Or maybe a martini.


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