This is one of my favorite pictures of my dad.  I think it might be taken in Oregon around my sister's wedding but I'm not sure.  I just like it.

Today my sister posted she was thinking about Dad.  I asked her, "Wonder what he's say about Obama getting sworn in."  Her response was that he'd have his inappropriate jokes all lined up.  She's probably so very right.

Dad would have loved to see his grandsons; it makes me sad he never got to meet Connor.  He sure loved Jed and Miles (who he called "inches" when he was a baby).

Remembering my dad's life is another impetus for me to get healthy.  My dad wasn't.  And he died young.  I'm not going to miss that time in my life or with my family.  So in addition to the life lessons I got from him over the years, I'm going to honor this lesson.  He knew.  One time as he hacked his smoker's cough he wrote on a napkin:  coughin' = coffin.  A dark and twisted humor he had.  His grandson would have appreciated his quick wit.  I see some of the same gifts in him.


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