Rain Day

No school, no work today.  It was a rain day.  Freezing rain yesterday and all last night led to icy roads this morning that buses didn't want to run on.  Funny thing is that by 10:00 this morning the temp had dropped from 35 to about 5 and the roads were significantly less slick. Jed (and probably many children) were happy to miss school.  Bob and I were sort of glad; these days cost us a day of annual leave.  Teachers get a day added to their contracts, but since we're year-round employees we can't make up a day.  It kind of sucks.

So I enjoyed the boys.  We got up early.  I got coffee and some reading in. I hit the treadmill and watched recorded What Not to Wear while the boys went to the garage/gym/man cave.  Then a nap, some snuggle and more reading,  a little bit of work, and helping Jed make a powerpoint for his current event presentation.

Overall, a very good day.  It was especially nice since Bob gets his shoulder worked on Friday and he won't be much fun for a little while.  Tonight a board game, a glass of wine, and tomorrow back to the routine.


Lori L said…
here's to hoping all goes well and as planned on Bob's shoulder.
and elementary students doing power point presentations, what has school come to? technology I suppose.
BTW, keep up the great work. woot woot, 10 down. that's fabulous!

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