2 weeks and still going

Today is day 14 of my path to health and wellness.  I've logged my calories on Loseit.com every day, which has really made me think about my food choices.  I've exercised almost every day, being careful to not overdo it but be consistent.  Tonight I'm feeling like it hasn't been that hard.  Looking back over the blog, I know there were some hard days.  (And if you ask my husband, he'll give you the REAL story...)  However I feel better already.  I'm moving better, I'm sleeping better, I have more energy.  I think it's because I'm not dieting, I'm just making a needed change.  It reminds of when I was pregnant.  It wasn't a problem to not get a glass of wine, or a beer with the football game.  It simply wasn't an option.  I think this is the same situation; making those unhealthy and dangerous choices simply isn't an option.


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