And it begins

I originally started this blog because I needed a motivator to write. It worked well for a long time, and then I started to get more and more sporadic.  Writing is good for me; it makes me feel like I'm doing something to nurture myself.  Turns out, a few people read this blog and got amused - that was even better!

But now, I'm returning to my motivational roots.  I'm also banking on the fact that not many folks still read this thing.  I'm publicly declaring my intention to get healthy.  Yes, I know resolutions to get healthy are cliche this time of year, but mine has been a long time coming.  I've had two rather scary bouts of breast lumps, and having to go back in for tests next week, have family history of type 2 diabetes and knee issues and I feel and look like hell.  So it's time to quit putting it off and making excuses.

I'm not going to do some crazy fad or program.  I'm going to watch what I eat, count calories, and start exercising.  The Loseit app on my phone should help and both it and my blog are going to keep me accountable.

So today I got up and did 30 minutes on the treadmill.  It was slow but steady and it was a start. 


Lori L said…
Good for you. Go for it.

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