let's hear it for the boob!
When I turned 40 it was quite a milestone. My dad had died a few weeks earlier, I was unhappy with my physical condition, it was cold, and I had to do a round of "baseline medical tests." Whoopee! One of those tests was my first routine mammogram. As a younger woman, I heard the horror stories of "the boob squisher." Various tales of pain, torture, and boobs turned as flat as a pancake. Whoopee! So I made the appointment, went in for the mammogram and it wasn't that bad. Sure it was uncomfortable, but it wasn't the end of the world. The discomfort only lasted for a moment and then it was over. The technicians were nice and all in all, no big deal. And then it started. There was an "irregularity" so I went back a few months later for a follow up. That trip to the Imaging Center contained a surprise visit to the ultrasound department as well which turned up two "issues." The first was a smallish lump that looked like a fibroa...