too damn hot

It's been too damn hot outside. It sucks all of my energy, all of my will, and any good humor that might be lurking inside me. I want to go outside and work in the yard, week the flower beds, finish working on the rockwork, but it's just too damn hot.

I think I need a vodka tonic. With lemon.

Days like today make me grumpy because all of my good intentions, my healthy habits, my productivity is gone. Even writing, which has been a good renewal in my life the past few months is a lot of effort on days like this.

How do people in warm places survive? I'm whiny after 3 days; how do people farm, play, work when this sort of environment lasts for months, and is often much worse? I keep thinking about the big fight scene in Romeo & Juliet. All of the young people are grouchy, short tempered. I can imagine lounging about the town square, fully dressed in the formal finery required of young noblemen, feeling miserable and not having relief in sight. It's no wonder a fight started, it's no wonder insults were taken so personally.

I wonder if there's an increase in violence during these sort of dog days? Or do most folks nowadays just retreat into an airconditioned world where they can create an alternative reality?

I guess I can muse or grumble all I want; the bottom line is that it's just too damn hot.


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