
Does trouble really come in bunches? Last winter, I swore it did. This summer seems to be confirming the theory. My summer has been either extremely smooth, easy, and relaxed or not. All is well and then, bang bang bang - back goes out, one car dies, fridge stops working. Now back is better, fridge is chillin', car is still questionable. I don't know which way is worse - a life of extremes or trouble in moderation?

The question is extremely relevant right now because soon (too soon, perhaps) I'll be heading back to work. Dead cars and days of trippin' on prescription drugs are not a problem in the summer. My kids are old enough to basically care for themselves, and when I'm out of commission my son turns his mind over to the television and is well cared for (though losing IQ points). If these things happened during the school year, I would be doubly damned by real trouble and extreme stress.

I wonder how other people's lives work? Do they manage broken things as a part of a daily routine? Does they have time management skills that make disruptions no big deal? I know that others have jobs & kids and somehow have all this energy and time for the "extras" in life. What is it about me that makes managing a daily routine potentially stressful?

If anyone has answers, I'll take 'em. Ooops - funny noises coming from the washing machine......


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