
Children make me laugh. At work, and at home.

Today my soon to be 9th grader and her buddy came to school with me with the task of moving LOTS of books, and LOTS of bookshelves. Not a fun job, especially with heat and smoke and no interior fans blowing. Not only did they work incredibly hard, but they THANKED me when they were done. Fancy that?? They were that excited to come to high school that they actually thought moving books was cool cuz they were in the school getting "special" treatment. How I wish all 9th graders were so excited.

And then there's the boys. My 6 year old and his 9 year old buddy. They've fought, played, cried, hugged....and they're funny. We've got a pool going - how many times will the word "dude" be uttered in the next 24 hours?? If you've got a bet, send me $10 and I'll put you down on the spreadsheet. Trust me - I'll let you know if you win.

I guess that's why I'm a teacher. Where else do you get to laugh as much as you do around children? And teenagers are especially funny. They vacillate between rational and irrational though, between fart humor and sarcasm, between cool and uncaring. And I get to enjoy the entire circus.

Children make me laugh.


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