wasting time

It's amazing how easy it is to waste time, that is, if time can really be "wasted." I agree that time can be spent in meaningless, unproductive ways and that it's often easier to do something easy (even boring) and lazy instead of getting up and doing more important things.

Lately, I've been trying to compromise. I get up early and do "work" kinds of things like washing dishes, putting away laundry, straightening up the house. This morning I even got started on my course outlines for my new classes this fall. Then....... I snuggled up next to my kid, took some mindless Facebook quizzes, answered some email, looked up tattoo designs. I guess in most circles that would be considered wasting time.

So what SHOULD I have been doing? Well, I could have driven to town and had my friend show me how to thread the damn sewing machine so I could come home and sew curtains for Bob's office. I could have dusted the house, cleaned out the refrigerator, alphabetized the bookshelf, weeded the garden (it does need it).

Do I feel bad? Maybe a little, but not much. I work hard much of the year, I'm a good mom, my children have clean clothes and don't live in filth. I make them healthy meals (most days) and I interact and talk to my family. So my house isn't the cleanest, my life isn't the most organized but we do okay. I think.

(Okay, now back to FB quizzes......)


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