
It's hard to figure television out. The cliche of "1000 channels and nothing is on." Actually, there's plenty on, but it's all pretty wierd stuff. Ghost Hunters, UFO Encounters, reality TV x 6 (or maybe 7), news that really isn't, reruns of Green Acres and MASH, lots of infomercials. I try to watch it, try to understand, but mostly I don't. There are things I like, Big Love and Saving Grace, but I don't know anyone else who really watches those. I hear lots on CSI and American Idol, but I just don't get 'em. Buffy dvd's are always a safe bet - and I hear I need to watch The Office.

I like to watch tv for mindless escape, like Gangland, or to examine situations I find perplexing, like Big Love. I like intelligent humor combined with monsters, like Buffy, or good 'ol hilarious blasphemy like Father Ted.

What has happened to books? Even a book lover like me can be sucked into turning on the tube instead of turning the pages.

For me, I find it hard to lose myself in a book like I used to. My mind can never completely turn off, so tv works fine for a diversion. Maybe if I read more, my brain could detox a bit. Maybe that's the key.


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