
It's been a hard school year. Deaths, surgeries, busy schedules, illness....waay too much (and much too depressing) to list out and begin my pity party. At first, I was frustrated. I thought we could just fix it all and then get back to normal. Now, I'm not sure what normal is and I really hope this isn't our new "normal." Then, I was depressed. I felt like I was doing a half-assed job on everything and not a great job on anything. And it just seemed to keep coming, and coming.

Today, I'm resigned. Life happens. My son is sick again, and my priority is to stay with him. My job is important, and I love it, and I need to just continue doing the best job I can and not focus on what's not done the way I'd like it to be. My house is a mess, but it's relatively clean and my children and clothed, fed, and loved. 6 more weeks and school is out. I'll clean my house then. Next year, I'll have a bit of a different job, one that should let me have a little bit more time outta school, although I'll be working my tail off IN school.

It does no good to fight the inevitable and it does no good to focus no what can't happen. There's limited time, limited energy and priorities to be met. And it will be okay.


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