
What is it about spring? I'm still not getting my work done, I'm still dealing with sick kids, busy schedules, and dirty dishes. But somehow, the mere fact that there's sunshine, that I don't leave and return from home in the dark, makes a difference. Yesterday was Easter. The bunny hid eggs all over the yard, down the driveway, and behind the house. There's still 2 feet of snow off the trails, but the kids were running around in sweatshirts sans hats & mittens, and I was on the dry porch in my slippers.

It's an immediate attitude adjustment. People in line at the grocery store smile and strike up a conversation. The sidewalks are alive with folks out walking and running. Fred Meyer's is stocking up on fancy colored mud boots, and kids are asking to go outside to run, and splash. The cold and dark is quickly forgotten.

I'm ready for spring because I'm ready for change. I've decided that with the changing season will come changing luck. I've decided that as winter melts away, so will all my troubles. I've decided that as the school year ends and summer starts, so will a new and better chapter in the book of life. Cheesy, yes. But it sure feels good to hope.


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