
On Sunday morning, while the kids are still sleeping and I can peek into all the beds and make sure everyone is accounted for, peaceful, safe and sound; when Bob is snoring and the light is beginning to come in; when televisions are off and chores are out of mind, life is good. Work doesn't intrude, or worry. The quiet times are good, and too far between. I don't want to live FOR the quiet times, but if often seems lately I live IN the quiet times.

As families do, we go during the week. At the risk of being boring, I like to stay on the weekends. I want my kids to feel okay in their own skin, to not have to be doing "stuff" to feel..... I don't know, entertained? I'm lucky with my kids - they like books and are perfectly content to snuggle down and read. It's nice to have a quiet house at times, like now, while they're sleeping. It's nice to have a full house too. Constant shooting noises from the boy, giggling, texting and constant snacking from the girl, the almost-grown laughing to herself as she reads Get Fuzzy and fends off the attacks from boy.

It's easy to get busy and focus on the have to's and what if's. I'm lucky to get this chance to savor my must have's.


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