lucky me

Last night I heard a noise in Jed's room.  I peeked in and saw Ali lying on his bed with him, reciting Antony's funeral speech from Julius Caesar.  It was amazing to watch.  Jed was listening and offering his opinion about her performance.  After she was done, Ali came out and gave me a hug and said she loved her little brother.  It made me get a little teary.  A few minutes later, Ali was in the bathroom and Jed came out and told me, "When Ali comes out of the bathroom, will you tell her she's welcome to come recite Shakespeare to me any time."

When I was pregnant with Jed, both of his sisters expressed a lot of concern about having a "half-brother."  Hannah told us that she, "HAD to like Ali" but wasn't sure she would like having a brother.  I remember hearing the girls talk about the situation.  Hannah explained to Ali that it was helpful to have a younger sibling because "you can blame stuff on them."  Ali nodded in agreement and then a few minutes later we heard from Ali, "Hey!  Wait!  Do you blame things on ME???!!"  It was pretty funny.

My kids bug each other and fuss like any siblings, but overall, they get along great and love each other very much.  While Hannah had been in Georgia, Jed has talked about how much he loves and misses her.  His birthday wish was to Skype her.  When Ali comes home from her mom's house, Jed is crazy happy.  He drives us all crazy in fact, because he's so excited.

The best part of it all is that I really like my kids.  I mean, I have to love 'em right???  That's just part of the package.  I feel pretty darn lucky that I actually LIKE them and, most of the time anyways, I think they like me too.


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