
Showing posts from August, 2014

Fall is in the air

School has begun and my boy is in 6th grade.  He's in his final year of elementary school, which is a little strange to think about.  Bob is in his final year of education, at least formally.  He turned in his retirement papers with his final day being February 20.  Hannah is getting married, so it's her final year of being single.  Aileen has moved into a dry cabin, so its her final year of... hmm, cleanliness? I hope its a good year for everyone.

Same stuff, different year

So its August, which means back to school.  For me, in this job, that means books and courses, professional development and planning.  For Bob it's busy, busy, busy. For the kids its the fair, supplies, and new shoes. Today is a Saturday and I'm hanging out enjoying sunshine and browsing online between doing chores. I am doing chores, really. Maybe not as many as I should, but its a start.