Anchored down in Anchorage

Last weekend it was -50 at home in Fairbanks, and -6 in Anchorage.  I was in Anchorage.  Whew.  This weekend it's -13 at home and 34 above in Anchorage.  I'm in Anchorage.  Ugh.

It rained while I drove from the meeting to the hotel.  It was hard to remember that earlier today was beautiful snow and blowing flakes.  Instead, ugly, wet, rainy much making roads slick and hard to navigate. 

Weather in Anchorage is much like weather in Kenai, where I grew up.  Although my family thinks I"m crazy, I'll take Fairbanks over this southcentral muck any day.  Give me cold, cold that allows me a reason to snuggle down with my sweatshirt and slippers.  Give me consistency, so that I can plan and ski and know what to expect.  Give me a land with little wind, and cold, clear skies that let me feel the sunshine as it grows each day. 

And give me cold over hot any day.  You can always put on more clothes, add a blanket, start a fire.  Heat can't be escaped.  It's oppressive and sucks your energy and makes constant misery.  You can only get so naked.

So here I am in Anchorage.  Anchorage, Alaska.


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