In 1997, I was living in Unalakleet, Alaska. The pipes from the water treatment plant froze, and the city flooded the system with Bering Sea water to keep the rest of the town's pipes from freezing & bursting. Drinkable water was available upriver, and on Supet Bowl Sunday, when his favorite Green Bay Packers were playing, Bob was taking a snow machine & a barrel upriver to get water.

Now, umpteen years later, tomorrow is Super Bowl Sunday and we have no water. Unlike the situation years ago, where salty seawater ran from the faucets, my faucets are dry. The pipes aren't frozen, just one little spot coming out of the tank. Instead of living paycheck to paycheck as a new teacher, I'm what might be called a "professional," making a decent living. But some things never change, like cold weather and rotten luck. At least I've still got Bob to send out for water, and here I can buy cold beer to welcome him home with.

What would life be like with a house where everything works? A home with closets and no washing machine in the kitchen? Someplace where a second bathroom isn't just peeing off the deck?

As tempting as it all sounds, it probably ain't me. I just hope this isn't a trait I pass down to my kids. Although it builds character, right?


Lori L said…
so your tank is dry? not froze up. bummer.
and you'll probably not change, although your OR house looks like it has two bathrooms. what will you do with yourself?
Melanie said…
Nope, we're frozen again. Starting to feel like my dry cabin days. But the Giants won, so its all good.

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