whew. survived.

Bob and Jed finished the science fair.  Maybe more Bob than Jed, but its done and they're happy.  I made soup for Bob to take to work for the secretaries for Valentines' Day.  Jed did his Valentines for his class and I did some for the office and for Bob's office.  Edited a paper for a friend, sent a sample cover letter to another.  Got Valentines' cards and bags ready for our three kids.  It's now 9:41 and I should be heading to bed, but I'm a bit wound up.  You would think a 1/2 bottle of wine would mellow me out, yes?

But at least the marriage is saved, the boy is happy, the dogs are fed, and my favorite hunka man asked me out on a lunch date tomorrow.  I still hate the Science Fair, but at least I'm back in good graces with my family.

One day at a time, and the beat goes on.


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