who knew?

Today I googled the following question: Do slugs eat meat? Although some might think this a crazy question, the reality is that there are slugs living at my mom's house that only emerge when red meat is cooked on the barbecue grill. Since, according to the Colorado extension service, slugs avoid heat and dry conditions, this penchant for ribs seems an odd occurance. It turns out though, that some slugs do eat meat, although it's usually cat food-type meat as opposed to beef.

There's a great summary of slug biology and behavior at the following link:

Who knew slugs were so interesting? Or disgusting? Or potentially destructive?

I found a great video on Youtube of "the largest slug in the world." Pretty cool stuff:

I'm glad I live here in the dry interior of Alaska, where carnivorous slugs, and herbivorous slugs as well, are few and far between.


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