back to work

On Monday I started back to work. That meant a couple of things. One was to get out the teacher clothes and put away the summer clothes, and the lounge around the house clothes of last winter. Another was to start getting up early. I'm getting used to that, but still not getting to bed early enough, which isn't a good combination. Since it's a new job, I 'm practicing keeping my eyes open and my mouth shut. This isn't always the easiest course for me, but so far so good.

It was a pretty good week. I have missed the world of education, talking shop so to speak. Just talking about how to teach, and idea for units was awesome. I hadn't realized that I had been so nervous about the transition from teacher at one school to a coaching position. Folks were great though, and I felt like there wasn't a big change in relationships with my move downtown. I also hadn't realized that I was afraid. I was afraid that I had forgotten how to teach in the year I took off. Talking with teachers about lesson ideas, activities, reminded me I have something to offer. I'm a good teacher.

So tonight, I'm weary but not sleepy. Excited about what's to come.


Missy said…
You're good enough. You're smart enough. And, doggone it, people like you.

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