
Showing posts from April, 2009


I'm a dork. I've been married for 9 years, with him for almost 13 and still my tummy flip-flops when I know he's on his way home. He's been gone a week and tonight he comes home. Once he came home early from a trip and thought he'd surprise me. He took a taxi and then walked the last bit up the driveway. All I knew was that I woke up to the dogs growling. A low, throaty growl that means something is out there that shouldn't be. I could hear footsteps crunching on the snow, I got out the shotgun and went outside yelling. Luckily for us both he identified himself and all was well. He doesn't surprise me any more. Tonight, I'll be expecting him. :-)

last thought for Monday

I don't understand why young boys like to pick their noses, are obsessed with picking their noses, and not at all chagrined by the disgusting reaction of loved ones when they eat their pickings. It's beyond something I can handle at this point, and nothing seems to be getting through. So does this mean I need to learn to deal with it? On a positive note, when his fingers are up his nose it means he's not playing with his penis!!

Monday (sigh)

Okay, so it's Monday and I'm wiped out. The boy is cranky, I've got way too much to do, and no energy to do it. I guess it's because I played all weekend with the boy and cleaned house a bit too. This is the kind of day I would rather not be single parenting. I still need to make him dinner, read with him, and feed the dogs. That's a minimum, not even covering laundry or washing dishes. It's also not covering the school work I brought home. Early to bed and maybe tomorrow will be better.

Day 4

Today was a good day. Jed slept in, and snuggled his mama all morning. Got some sorely needed cleaning done, put away most of the huge pile of laundry, even balanced the checkbook. Tonight Jed and I went out for dinner, which was fun. Went to Creamer's Field and scoped out the birds. Cranes, swans, geese, and some sort of orange-footed bird. It was cool and Jed loved it. Then we headed to LHS to see the production of You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown. What a fantastic show! The music was great and the boy really enjoyed it also. Today wasn't too painful as far as the single parenting piece went. I didn't have to be anywhere until 7:00, so the pressure was off. I'm lonely though. I miss my friend. It's not as much fun to do things without him. But the sanity level is holding, the house cleaning number went up, and the boy is still healthy - although he's been up way late for 2 nights in a row.

on the third day

I came home and cleaned house a bit. The dishes that have been in the sink all week were starting to smell. They're washed, but not yet put away. Laundry from the week is folded and put away, the living room is straightened, the dogs are fed, and Jed's asleep in my bed. I'm tired tonight. The day wasn't bad; got some errands done and went to Jed's school's Up With Art evening. All in all, I think I did okay on the mom duties. So my house cleaning score went up a bit, and my children's health score went up a bit too. Jed got veggies, and milk. The girls went back to their mom's so they're not my feeding responsibility right now. (Don't get me wrong. I miss them horribly, but appreciate their independance!) The sanity quotient may have gone down a bit. Teenagers are a bit nuts as school winds down, and I'm missing my hubby on this Friday night. Tomorrow the plan is to enter my grades, clean some more house, and enjoy the boy. Single...

Day 2

House is the same. I cleaned only what I messed up today - will deal with rest this weekend. Jed got McDonald's for dinner 2 days in a row; that can't be healthy. I'll need to make sure he gets vegetables tomorrow. The sanity factor is holding steady.... school was crazy today but kids at home were actually mellow. Or tired. Or suffering the soporific effects of a fast food lifestyle. And tomorrow is Friday - so this might all be a piece of proverbial cake!! (crap - did I just jinx myself???)

Day 1

Okay - the test begins. Hubby left today for an 8 day business trip. Right now the house is pretty clean. The laundry is put away and dishes are (mostly done). Dogs fed, kids fed, boy brushed his teeth, story is read, middle did her homework. So far so good. I even managed to stop by Sam's Club to get cupcakes for our class celebration of Shakespeare's birthday. (So I didn't make 'em myself, that's -1 pt. for me.) My goal is to maintain minimum health and safety standards for the next 8 days. Let the games begin!


I was coming through the airport. There was no time. There was no food. My stomach was grumbling. I visited, and there were french fries to munch. I went to buy water, but somehow good n plenties ended up in my bag. I ate them. I feel bleh. I've been lamenting Nutrisystem all week - tastes like crap, starving. But today after eating junk i feel crappy. Maybe I learned my lesson. maybe


I hate waking up grouchy. It's a truly crappy way to start a day. Knowing that however, doesn't necessarily prevent the event. Today, I woke up grouchy. I think part of it is that I can't find a copy of the next book in the series I've been reading and that bums me out. I know that part of it is that my 5th day of Nutri System. Part is knowing I have to go to town today, and part is knowing I head back to Anchorage tomorrow and that Bob leaves Wednesday. Rationally, none of this makes sense. I've got plenty to read and need to be grading anyways. Yes, Nutrisystem egg powder frittata tastes like powdered eggs, but I have lost about 5, sorely needed, pounds. And I know that my friend is suffering along with me for 30 more days. I'm going to town, but I'm getting my nails done so that's a good thing. I'm heading to Anchorage tomorrow, but the meetings are always good and have good people. Bob leaving for a week.... can't turn that one in...


Today I got to teach some Shakespeare. A student asked me "How many times have you read this play [Romeo & Juliet] anyways??" I had to think about it. I know I must have read it in high school, although I don't remember. (The only Shakespeare I remember from high school was Macbeth in Mrs. Satathite's class, and that was because Kathleen left in the middle of class.) I know I studied R&J in college, in a course on tragedy, and I've read it at least once per year for each of my 14 years of teaching. So why do I like it? In fact, the whole Shakespeare thing is pretty awesome. I like Romeo and Juliet because it makes teens think about relationships, love, and maturity. I love Macbeth, because I think the concept of a good man letting ambition get the better of him is compelling. Hamlet is a great story - gotta love the sheer beauty of the language and the mastery of characterization. Julius Caesar is a commentary on modern society, politics, and com...


What is it about spring? I'm still not getting my work done, I'm still dealing with sick kids, busy schedules, and dirty dishes. But somehow, the mere fact that there's sunshine, that I don't leave and return from home in the dark, makes a difference. Yesterday was Easter. The bunny hid eggs all over the yard, down the driveway, and behind the house. There's still 2 feet of snow off the trails, but the kids were running around in sweatshirts sans hats & mittens, and I was on the dry porch in my slippers. It's an immediate attitude adjustment. People in line at the grocery store smile and strike up a conversation. The sidewalks are alive with folks out walking and running. Fred Meyer's is stocking up on fancy colored mud boots, and kids are asking to go outside to run, and splash. The cold and dark is quickly forgotten. I'm ready for spring because I'm ready for change. I've decided that with the changing season will come changing l...


It's been a hard school year. Deaths, surgeries, busy schedules, illness....waay too much (and much too depressing) to list out and begin my pity party. At first, I was frustrated. I thought we could just fix it all and then get back to normal. Now, I'm not sure what normal is and I really hope this isn't our new "normal." Then, I was depressed. I felt like I was doing a half-assed job on everything and not a great job on anything. And it just seemed to keep coming, and coming. Today, I'm resigned. Life happens. My son is sick again, and my priority is to stay with him. My job is important, and I love it, and I need to just continue doing the best job I can and not focus on what's not done the way I'd like it to be. My house is a mess, but it's relatively clean and my children and clothed, fed, and loved. 6 more weeks and school is out. I'll clean my house then. Next year, I'll have a bit of a different job, one that should let...


On Sunday morning, while the kids are still sleeping and I can peek into all the beds and make sure everyone is accounted for, peaceful, safe and sound; when Bob is snoring and the light is beginning to come in; when televisions are off and chores are out of mind, life is good. Work doesn't intrude, or worry. The quiet times are good, and too far between. I don't want to live FOR the quiet times, but if often seems lately I live IN the quiet times. As families do, we go during the week. At the risk of being boring, I like to stay on the weekends. I want my kids to feel okay in their own skin, to not have to be doing "stuff" to feel..... I don't know, entertained? I'm lucky with my kids - they like books and are perfectly content to snuggle down and read. It's nice to have a quiet house at times, like now, while they're sleeping. It's nice to have a full house too. Constant shooting noises from the boy, giggling, texting and constant snack...


It's hard to figure television out. The cliche of "1000 channels and nothing is on." Actually, there's plenty on, but it's all pretty wierd stuff. Ghost Hunters, UFO Encounters, reality TV x 6 (or maybe 7), news that really isn't, reruns of Green Acres and MASH, lots of infomercials. I try to watch it, try to understand, but mostly I don't. There are things I like, Big Love and Saving Grace, but I don't know anyone else who really watches those. I hear lots on CSI and American Idol, but I just don't get 'em. Buffy dvd's are always a safe bet - and I hear I need to watch The Office. I like to watch tv for mindless escape, like Gangland, or to examine situations I find perplexing, like Big Love. I like intelligent humor combined with monsters, like Buffy, or good 'ol hilarious blasphemy like Father Ted. What has happened to books? Even a book lover like me can be sucked into turning on the tube instead of turning the pages. For m...