stupidity in youth

So I'm sitting here watching the skiers and snowboarders, young and old, out enjoying the slopes and the sunshine. Next to me is a 20ish, holding the book Germinal, although she never actually turned a page. Suddenly, her friends show up with a "Have you seen Kyle? We gotta bail NOW."
But before she gathers her book, coffee and iPod, the ski patrol is here and they've got Kyle in tow.

The first question that goes wrong is when they ask the girl, "Can you tell me the name of your friend here?" and she answers "No." (and they all exchange nervous glances, except for Kyle, who thinks he's hot stuff.)

To an outsider, this is humorous. Obviously the ski patrol fellow knows what he's doing, and has dealt with this sort of arrogant youngster before. Why do teens and 20's think that if they act cool and indignant they'll win? The best thing Kyle could do is throw himself upon the mercy of the dude, confess, and be polite. Refusing to say his name and give up his i.d. isn't going to protect him in the long run. But young people are stupid.

So we know how it ends, Kyle listens to reason (and avoids the state troopers), gives up his i.d., shuts his mouth and accepts the lecture, and in the end, avoided a ticket. Did he really believe that when the run was closed by the resort that it meant him too? Probably not. Does he totally think he's so much smarter than the 50 something who saved his friends and gave him a break? Probably so. Will he complain about the stupid ski patrol and somehow twist the scenario in his mind to validate his obnoxiousness? Obviously - it's what young people do.

As an adult who deals with teenagers daily - in my home and in my place of work - I get to laugh. A lot. The disconnect between reality and the mind of a teen is an amazing chasm. At age 10 they know not much, by 13 they know everything, by 16 they're not only all-knowing, they're brilliant. This trend continues until about (what?) 25? Then, the cycle reverses and we realize what we don't know. Although I lament the coming of 40, I wouldn't be 20 again if you paid me. Really.


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