
Today my youngest turns six years old. At this time six years ago I was trying to convince the nurse to let me out of the hospital so I could come home. "But your complimentary fruit basket won't be here until tomorrow!" she pleaded. I offered it as a donation to the wonderful nursing staff at the hospital, and headed home.

It's amazing how quickly time goes, and how much children add to your life. My oldest is graduating this year, my middle will start high school, and now the boy is six. I'm constantly amazed at how cool they are, how much I like them. At milestone points though I wonder, what will I do when they all grow up?

It's a paradox, this growing up thing. I love every age, and want them to have experiences, challenges. I am amazed watching them grow, change, learn - and I want that for them. But then I think of them all gone, of no one to sit on my lap and snuggle me, of not sneaking in at night to kiss them and whisper "mama loves you." I heave a big ol' sigh and feel sad.

My kids are awesome and I really like them, at least most of the time.


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