
Exercise shouldn't be a bad word, so why have I lately become so aversive to the very idea of it? I used to love to exercise - really. I loved to run, to hike, to lift weights, to walk through the woods with the kids, to sled down the hill, to haul water to gardens. Now, although I still like the idea of exercising, it's just not happening for me.

Part of it is probably winter. February is a long cold month better suited to hibernation than work. Part of it is the plethora of winter chills and flus that have plagued my household. Part of it that I'm just plumb lazy.

Still, this is my week to get started. I've started being positive - keeping a cheery tone in my voice and saying "isn't it a wonderful morning?" when I really want to snarl and drink coffee in a cave somewhere. I've stuck to a pretty healthy eating plan and seen a few pounds go. Now, I need to exercise.

I think the hard part is that really the time that's available for me to consistently exercise is at 5:00 in the morning. While I used to be a morning person, I'm not too keen on waking up dark and early. I can also blame it on my husband. If he just weren't so damned snuggly.....

Okay - so here it goes. By laying pen to paper - or fingers to keyboard to screen - I'm publically declaring my intention to get off my ass. There. Now it will happen.

Then again, my gram once told me that "If the road to hell is paved with good intentions, [I've] got a superhighway in the works."

We shall see, I suppose.


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