
It's a good thing there was no Facebook while I was in college for the first time. Or smart phones. Or XBox video games.  Back in the day when I wanted to procrastinate finishing a paper I had to do errands, or complete some chores around the house.  But now, I can turn on the computer to finish a paper and instead enter the world of Pinterest and great ideas for creating storage in small kitchens.  Or I can read the news- from anywhere in the world - and find out who wore it best in the world of movie stars yesterday.

And all the while my paper is open in another window, so I can convince myself (if I stretch it a little) that I'm actually just "thinking about what to write."  

In this case I'm thinking about writing my blog instead of answering questions about my philosophy of school leadership.  Oh wait, a quiz about what car I should drive.....


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