Art Camp

Okay, I admit it.  I made my son go to Art Camp.  For 4 whole days.  (Well, actually 3 1/2 because I left town and his dad let him skip.)  I'm a bad mom.

My son has never shown a particular affinity for arts and crafts.  He's always hated drawing, cutting, and coloring.  But I've read Mindset, and I know that it's good for brains to try new things and new ways of thinking.  He's never really tried anything like art camp, and it was only four days, so how bad could it be?

Apparently the answer is bad.  Really bad. The first day I picked him up and he refused to speak to me for an hour.  When he did speak he said, "I'm not saying you're moronic, but this idea for me to take art camp sure was."  Didn't make me too happy.

He sees no point to 3D sculpture.  At least the bird sculptures made sense to him.  And the art teachers are "crazy" and it's only girls and little kids. And they go on walks that are either too short or "forced death marches."

By day 2 he tried a different tactic.
"How was art camp?" I asked.
"Not bad" he responded.
"Really?  That's great."
"Actually I"m lying.  It's horrible. It's beyond horrible and I hate it."

Ugh. And his dad is no help.  Up front he seems sympathetic but at bedtime I heard him whispering, "I know buddy.  I don't know what she was thinking, but you can survive this for 2 more days.  I would hate it too."  Not helpful, Papa.  Not helpful at all.

So I've learned my lesson.  No more Art Camp.  Luckily this next week is the Culinary Camp he wanted, followed by the Music Academy which he's super excited for.

But I'm a little nervous about Wild Rose "hippie camp" the week after that....


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