Spring Cleaning Pt 1

After being down with a sinus infection, I not only switched antibiotics but I've got prednisone flowing through my veins. Drug-induced highs are a good way to get a start on spring cleaning.  So in order to bring some order, it was time to tackle the overflow. Books.

Bob and I were married about three years before we merged our his and hers bookshelves into an ours bookshelf.  Compromising on an organizational system was a long process, but we managed.  One of the biggest challenges was space, and it continues to be an issue.

Each time we run out of space on the bookshelves in the house, we sort into 3 piles.  Books that need to stay in the house, books that can go on the shelves in the studio, and books that we can get rid of.
We've basically agreed that if we don't have space, we have to purge.  We purged a goodly amount today, mostly paperbacks and Alex Cross novels that we won't re-read.  We also have a goodly amount to move into the studio.

But that means that tomorrow we go to the studio and purge there to make room for the ones we're moving.  The studio books are the ones that are keepers, moved there only because we can't fit them in the house. And while we try to keep the house bookcases reasonably tidy, the ones in the studio are overflowing.  They bow in the middle under the weight, they're stacked on top of each other and in front of one another.  These are the classics that every home needs to own, books we loved as kids that we have to keep, books that influenced our lives  in significant ways, books that were gifts that we have to keep, books that we might read again some day.....

We made it through today with only a little whining, and no fighting at all.  Wish me luck that tomorrow goes as well!


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