More spring cleaning

This was a productive weekend at the Hadaway house.  More spring cleaning.  It feels darn good though.  The big deal was getting Jed's room cleaned.  When Ali was little, Bob built a big loft bed for her and it's been there ever since.  Jed slept up there some after he got that room, and he's used it for playing with his knights and cars and all the epic battles and scenes over the years.  I've bonked my head on it too many times to count.

Well, it's gone now.  Jed got the the point where he was too tall to play under it and too tall to play comfortably on top of it.  And in truth it had become a way to hide mess up high out of mom's line of sight.  He and Bob took it apart, hauled it outside, and then we cleaned all the stuff it hid.  I bought a put together book shelf and Jed put it together yesterday.  We moved a desk in there from Ali's room.
All of a sudden there's a big boy room where a kid's room used to be.  It's lighter, it's brighter, it feels bigger.... but I'm still a little melancholy about it all.

We're also cleaning getting ready to remodel the kitchen and bathroom.  After Jed's spend the night party next week, everything comes out of the kitchen and bathroom so that the floors can be ripped up and redone, walls moved, and it all put back together.  So I need to clean the office and living room so that we'll have space to pile all the other stuff!

Whenever I'm productive like this, I wonder why I get so unproductive much of the time....


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