
For the first time in my Facebook life I'm facing a dilemma.  I might have to unfriend someone.  I've been on the other end of this situation many times, which I think is due to my "liberal" views, or the fact that I share political stuff, or the fact that my head isn't stuck up my tea party ass.  No matter the reason, it hasn't bothered me.  In fact, it kinda makes me proud.

But there's a person on Facebook that I've known professionally, and always gotten along with quite well.  In fact, I think she's a nice enough person; I always am glad to see her.  She's well read, and shares a variety of genres and books.  However, after the Superbowl, when I started to realize that there were folks out there hating on Coca Cola, I saw a post supporting the "you're only American if you speak English" position offended by the America the Beautiful ad.  Honestly, it was visceral reaction for me.   For one, I thought the ad was cool. I'm all about the multiculturalism that has made our country what it is (which honestly isn't always that great, although I love her).


What's kind of strange is that I saw the ad, which also apparently features two gay men hugging their daughter while rollerskating, and it never, ever occurred to me that there would be anything controversial about it.  Didn't even cross my mind.  But apparently, according to Allen West, "LtC (Ret), former congressmen and Fox News contributor" it's a bad thing that "Coke is buying into the 'fundamental transformation' of America."

So what's transforming?  Our history of racism? Our oppression of women, in legislation and the economic inequities? Our current pattern of a do-nothing Congress that's so focused on partisanship that our government's progress has been neutered? The habits of the masses to buy into the lies of the media because it's easier and they can get a coupon for $2 off at Chick-Fil-A?  The fact that we want candidates for elected office to be "just like us" instead of intelligent, educated, experienced?

I'm not sure what to do.  I've decided that unfriending is silly.  In fact, it's rather ironic that my thought is a quote from anti-gay, super religious patriarch Phil Robertson.  I can disagree without someone without hating.  I can like someone without agreeing to her beliefs.  I can be friendly to a person, even when intolerant, prejudice is "liked" on a Facebook page.  I just hope that in the long run, the good guys - the folks I agree with of course - win the race.

And no, I don't just mean the white.


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