
So we were jazzed to head to Washington DC and show my history-loving son the sights of our nation's historic capitol.  We left Fairbanks on time, no notices of bad weather (although we had been watching) and landed in Seattle so find that we've been re-booked to get into DC on Sunday, 2/16.

So what do the flexible Hadaways do??  We rent a car and head to Astoria.  Why, Astoria? you might ask.  2 reasons - The first is that it's where Bob and I spent the first night of our honeymoon so it's a sentimental favorite for us.  The second is that Astoria is cool.  We're taking Jed to the Goonies House, the Maritime Museum, and Ft. Clatsop where Lewis and Clark spent a winter.

We got a great hotel that's built on the site of an old cannery, it goes out into the Columbia River.  Here's a few views from our hotel room:

Life is good and the Hadaways are flexible.  We'll see what the next few days bring.


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