ahhh, coffee

It's a beautiful morning up here on the hill.  Hubby headed to town so I had the rough task of sitting on the deck drinking coffee.  And the coffee was fun too!  I got one of those Keurig coffee makers where you pop in a little cup and end up with a decent cup of coffee.  No mess, no fuss and - because there's not a whole pot of coffee to drink - moderation. 

I have to say that, although I miss my kiddos and having some noise in the house, I'm enjoying time alone with my honey.  Last night we drank sangria, and watched The Wire.  The nice part was that we could turn the volume up and hear it because we didn't have to worry about Jed hearing bad words.  (We try not to encourage his limit-pushing by limiting exposure to colorful vocabulary!)

So I'm settling in to the child-less life and enjoying the reprieve.  I'll be very glad to have them home however.  Really.


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