Watch Out World!

So... Aileen left about 10 days ago to see family in Georgia, and a One Direction concert.  Yesterday, Bob and I put Jed on the plan to Seattle - by himself.  Mom drove up to get him, it was a straight shot flight, but it was a little hard on me.  I was a little blue yesterday.  The house was quiet and Bob and the dogs just didn't quite fill it.  Jed's having a blast at the beach with his cousins, Ali's at the cabin in the North Georgia mountains, Hannah's at her apartment doing her thing. 

But today is a new day.  I got up and didn't have to fix anyone breakfast, remind a boy to feed the dogs, share the television, or even get dressed.  With no kids in the house, every day could be Naked Day!!  (okay, sorry to traumatize anyone... I guess we'll see if anyone still reads this blog by the number of bloodcurdling screams I get in response!)

But I've discovered that, though it's been 9 years since we experienced this, I like hanging out at home with my husband.  I think we like each other, and we have things to talk about other than work and kids.,  That's a good thing.

So I'm gonna head back to the deck, drink a cold Mike's Lemonade, and miss my kids.  He he he..... yeah right.


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