
I miss teaching literature, Shakespeare especially.  I think of literature as a science experiment.  Since we can't take actual people and put them in various, potentially traumatic situations we read.  The thesis is simple:  if we take character A and add environment or conflict and then shake it up, what will happen?  Literature shows us this and then we can ask ourselves, how would I react in that same spot?

Shakespeare is especially awesome because his plots and characters are so relevant throughout time and for all people.  Issues like ambition, guilt, love, honor apply to everyone. 

I miss helping students realize that, not only can they understand Shakespeare, they can enjoy it.  And that amidst the sex and death and laughter are themes that will shape the choices they make in the future.

I don't know that I can find a comparable topic or experience to teaching Shakespeare within my current world of facilitating curriculum and teaching teachers.  But I guess I'll just keep trying.


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