giving thanks

I have been trying to remember to stop every day and give thanks for the blessings I have.  I love my job, I have a wonderful family, although we're not always the healthiest family we don't have anything chronic or life-threatening.  We have enough money to live, our house is modest but comfortable, we have heat and we generally all get along pretty well.

It's a shame that it often takes something bad to remind of us of how lucky we are.  A friend's cancer, a too-early death, an unexpected divorce, or a bad choice with devastating consequences...these things remind me that one never knows what tomorrow will bring.

I need to translate my thanks and blessings into action.  If I can be healthier and reduce the risk of contracting a disease that will make my family hurt, I need to do that.  I need to tell people thank you, and how much I care for them.

So here's my reminder to myself.  Peace.


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