
Watching the movie Cloverfield with Ali.  It's a horror / sci-fi about fleeing the attack of hostile aliens.  These folks in New York City are trying to navigate without bridges and subways and cell phones.  Ali just looked at me and said, "What would you do if that happened here?"  Good question, Ali.

I think part of the reason I live in the hills of Goldstream Valley is because both Bob and I keep an escape route in the back of our heads.  When I only knew him a short while I once saw him making a list in his workout log.  I asked what it was and he said "A list of what to grab if we had to head for the hills."  Funny thing is, I have the same kind of list in my journal.

I don't know if its because I grew up watching movies like Red Dawn or reading The Handmaid's Tale, but I've always kept the idea that I might need to go underground in the back of my mind, even to reading books like For Whom the Bell Tolls so I know how the resistance operates.  With shifting political climate, Bob and I talk about the benefits of Finland vs. New Zealand, and stock up on supplies to live if the grid shuts off.  We're not paranoid, crazy, survivalists; we're just cautious.

Ali did comment once on the fact that we both keep big hunting knives between the mattress and box spring of our bed.  Again, it's a habit I had before Bob that he shared (fate, yes?).  If someone enters my house in the middle of the night, I'm ready.

I tend to be a "hope for the best, prepare for the worst" kind of person, and I think that belief carries over into my view of the world in general.  Watching Egypt in chaos, listening to the Tea Party rallies with gun toting crazies - these only reinforce my need to have a back up plan to run to the hills with my family and hole up until... until what? I guess that's the question.  All I know is I won't give 'em up easily.

Ali says this post should be called "I'm a paranoid freak."  A little wordy, I think....


Missy said…
I will not be coming to your house if I"m lost out that way.
Melanie said…
Missy, we're perfectly normal and harmless. Although a friend once described our neighborhood as "Brigadoon meets Deliverance." And if there's ever an invasion, we're ready!

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