grammie's rules

My mom just flew back to Oregon after a week here in Fairbanks.  Bob and I presented at the state special ed conference, so mom agreed to hang out here with the kids and hold down the fort.  Jed was preparing me for her visit before she even arrived:  "When Grammie's here, I get to follow Grammie's rules cuz she's your mom and she's the boss of you."    Hmm.  I know where I stand.

So mom watched Jed and hung out with Ali from Friday - Monday when I returned.  The went to the movies, watched a lot of television, stayed in their jammies for days at a time, survived 22" of fresh snow, and seemed to do generally just fine.  In fact, my arrival was anti-climatic; the kids were fine with me gone. 

I'm thankful that my mom gets to spend time with my kids, enough time to see both their cute & cuddly sides and their real sides, which often aren't so cute and cuddly.  I'm glad they get chocolate milk for breakfast.  I'm glad she gives them (well, Jed actually, Ali is pretty good) the smackdown when they get mouthy.  Mom was great providing some insight into my wonderful and onery son.  "Indignant" was one of the words she used to describe him.  Accurate, I'd say.

So I'm a bit blue today as my mom heads south.  I did give her a parting gift of my hellish cold, I fear, and there's snow in Oregon just like there is here.  But I know we'll see her soon. 


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