Day 1

During this break, all my friends and family are getting sick.  My mom, sister, brother-in-law, and nephew spent Christmas Day feeling yucky and the night before up every few hours.  My best friend in Puerto Rico spent her Christmas Day at the ER; it's either swine flu, or pneumonia, or some combination thereof, but scary.  My girls are in Georgia, partly because 3 of their maternal aunts/uncles have been diagnosed with cancer in the past 2 months.  Jed and I blew boogers while sitting on the couch feeling blah for two days.  Yesterday, my mom ended up in the ER in Tillamook, largely because she doesn't have a local doc but also because she had a bad case of the flu.  I went to town today to see the chiropractor to adjust my aching back, and now my hubby is sitting with ice on his shoulder. 

So what does all of this mean??  It means, dear friends, that this is it.  Mortality is reminding me of it's presence but I don't want to rush it.  So I created a plan to get healthy and lose the weight I've been putting on since my son was born 7 years ago.  I even made Bob take the wine from the rack down to the garage and hide it.  Loaded up the leftovers of fudge and peppermint bark and am sending them into work with Bob tomorrow.

This is day 1 and I'm making it public in an attempt to hold myself more accountable.  Here it goes... so far I've made it 10 hours without giving in to temptation.  My initial phase one plan lasts 45 days, so that means I've got 44 days and 14 hours to go...


Sheila said…
You can do it! I have recently embarked on what we call "The 500 mile challenge"... the idea is that whoever gets there first gets $500 to spend however and I figure I've gotta get a little stronger if I go the distance! If you want my hip-hop, rev-you-up playlist, lemme know... I grit my teeth and push through the pain... I'll let you know how it goes, I'm only 17 miles in so far.

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