d word

Are all 7 year old boys obsessed with bad words??  For the past month or so, it's been a daily report from school about who said which bad words and how many times.  Granted, my son doesn't actually say the bad word, he just spells them or says the "s word" or the "d word."  Apparently, Jed runs with a pretty rough crowd, one of his friends says the "f word" at recess on a regular basis.  On the other hand, he still things the "c word" is "cuss," so maybe I'm not in too much trouble.  Yet.

He is also fascinated with movie ratings.  Every time a movie or television show is on he asks what it is rated, and then give a run down of what every rating means. G = general.  PG = Parental Guidance and so forth.  One of his friends told him there's an I rating which means "inappropriate for all audiences."  I think he's starting to question this however, because (as he told me) "If it's inappropriate for all audiences, who would ever watch it??"

Today has been a running discussion about why he can't watch R rated movies and what sort of trouble he'll be in if he says various bad words.  You know, which is worse, the s word or the h word?  This kid is going to have a serious potty mouth unless we figure out a good intervention.  The problem is that sometimes it's pretty funny.  A few weeks ago he dropped his backpack while walking to the house and it ended up sliding all the way down our driveway to the turnaround.  He looked at me and asked, "Please mom, can I just say the d word?  It's the right kind of time."  He was right of course, but I still said no.

My husband says it's my fault that Jed has potty mouth tendencies.  I think it's just genetic.  I mean, this is the kid that, when I dropped him off at preschool at age 4 told me, "Mom, I think I'll say shit at school today."  My response was, "Let me know how that works out for you."  And sure enough, he was in the principal's office when I went to pick him up at the end of the day.

Granted, I have been known to say a bad word or two, but I think that's part of being a creative soul.  My business is words and I can't discriminate against ones that some find unacceptable.  Right? 
Damn straight.


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