Lord help me

I think I'm going to end up burning in hell.... okay, for those of you thinking, "Duh, she just realized this?" I say to you, "Hush."  I've atoned for many of the sins of my younger years, and try hard to live right.  However, I've got this inner voice pushing me to blaspheme.

See, a few nights ago my son asked me, "Jesus came back from the dead, but he wasn't a zombie, right?  It made me laugh at the time, but also got me thinking.  See, I really like horror movies, zombie movies in particular.  Ever since I saw Night of the Living Dead all those years ago, I've been a big fan of brain eaters.  I also like the comic take on horror.  I smile to think of the classics:  Shaun of the Dead, Army of Darkness, Saturday the 14th....

So now I've got this hankering to try my hand at writing a movie script.  I think I can combine my twisted sense of humor with the classic genres and throw in some holiday cheer.  I've even got the title:  Oh Holy Night of the Living Dead.  It's a Jesus as zombie Christmas movie.  I picture it using an anachronistic model, where our "hero" goes back in time to check out some bible stories, and infects Jesus with a zombie virus.  Zombie Jesus goes on a rampage (that THAT, Pontius Pilate) before being cured and going on to fulfill his destiny.  Then our hero comes back to find his own family, gathered to celebrate the holidays together, has also been infected and he calls upon all the resources at his disposal to save Christmas from the Zombies.

I know that this premise is wrong in so many ways, but hey, Dogma pulled off the Buddy Christ and George Carlin as a Catholic bishop, dropping bad words all along the way.  My movie will be much more tasteful and educational. 

Okay, maybe this blog will help me get this all out of my system, but I must admit I've started writing already.  I do need help with my hero's name, however, as I need to be both clever and meaningful at the same time.  Usually I'm just one or the other.....


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